Summer Solstice

Growing up, I remember the summer solstice (the longest day of the year) as having the most potential. Since it had the most light, we had the greatest chance for epic adventures, long playground stays, extended stays at the beach, and so many other options. 

The solstice also marks the long slow march to winter, as every day after this our days grow shorter until we come to the winder solstice. It serves as a reminder to get out there and enjoy the opportunity you have at hand, to get out into the world and find new adventures. 

I for one am taking this reminder to really start pushing out more content again. I know things have been somewhat neglected here, but there has been a lot going on behind the scenes and I’ve got a lot of ideas rolling around my head again. 

I’m actually really close to finishing my book with strategies to getting the kids out for day trip adventures. It is a lot of the strategies I use to get the kids out so often. If we have a plan, we can do anything and feel good about it once we get home. The website is almost done and my goal is to have it self-published on Amazon this summer. 

I’ve also been thinking about starting a podcast. I enjoyed the newsletter we published last year, but it got to be a little hard to put all that together on a weekly basis. And really I’d rather chat about places to go and ways to find the motivation to go on adventures. This is a bit further down the road as I try to plan a few things and figure out the logistics (when and where to record, create an intro, publishing to iTunes, etc…) 

From now through Labor Day, my plan is to publish something daily - at least a little something. Ideas around where to go, how to make planning go smoother, get the kids out of the house without a fight, arrive home happy and not frustrated. 

My hope is that you will be inspired to go out and try things - but also to let me know too. I’d love to hear your stories. 

Happy Summer, and let the adventuring begin!